The Simplicity and Cost Savings in Hiring a Primary Toronto Airport Limo Provider

- July 11, 2013
Do you need to provide transportation for your business agents in Toronto? Booking an account with aToronto airport limo service can save you the trouble of having to wait for a taxi to come by on a busy metro. As the big boss, you can save your company money by having a single provider to serve you and your personnel with your transportation needs in the Toronto area.
But can you really save money through what business experts call ‘supply consolidation’? It appears that way; think of it as filling up a pail with water-it’s more efficient if you get one huge drum rather than six or eight pails. It works if you want to have a backup supply of water without having to occupy a large space to store your pails. In business, it’s more efficient to get something from a single, trusted supplier than from several companies, for a number of reasons.
First, you’ll only be paying a single rate, which streamlines the accounting work for piles of confusing bills. For example, Aeroport Taxi & Limousine Service’s discounted rate from Pearson Airport to postal code M5H is at $47. Current rates in the city can range from $52 to $62, excluding the 15-percent tip. Having too many prices to track may increase the chances of mixing them up when filing a report.
Second, certain services can be integrated with one supplier. According to Wall Street Journal, this is the case with Airbus recently as the company called on some of their suppliers to consolidate. If you need an airport limo service to pick you up and another to offer you a tour of the city, why not a single service provider that does both?
While supply consolidation is not without its own set of risks, it’s important to note that many are looking to balance risk and rewards. This is according to a study of finance executives of major companies in the U.S. by New York-based CFO Research. More than a third of the 169 replies gathered said supply chain management can still be improved.
Many companies are eager to consolidate their supply chains mainly for cost and time saving benefits. Your agents traveling to Toronto would not have to worry about how or where to pick up public transport if your company has already hired a single Toronto airport limo service.