How to Manage Travel for Business During a Pandemic

- January 15, 2021
The world may appear to be shut down, but for some companies and their employees it’s business as usual – except for the real and present challenges involved in business travel. When interprovincial, cross-border and international travel is under severe restriction, it’s incumbent on companies to help their employees travel while mitigating risk and ensuring safety. That’s true when they’re in the air and it’s true when they arrive to climb into their airport limo Toronto.
There is no doubt these are uncertain times for travellers. Lockdown status differs from city to city, province to province, state to state and country to country. Business travel can be a challenge, so take a few tips on what you should and shouldn’t do during this unprecedented travel period to stay safe and within recommendations.
DO – take proactive steps to mitigate the risks involved for your employees who are still required to travel. Consider if their travel is absolutely essential. Many companies have fully integrated virtual meetings into their communication strategy to eliminate unnecessary travel and reduce the stress on employees required to do so.
DO NOT – book travel without conducting due diligence on the safety protocols in place for each method of transportation you or your employees will be using. Book with the airline that has the best track record of putting passenger safety first; organize your airport limousine Toronto with Aeroport taxi to be sure you’re travelling with a company that takes passenger safety seriously enough to have strong protocols in place.
DO – pre-plan your airport limo service when landing in Toronto so your employees are not left using public transport. Aeroport Taxi offers a convenient online booking services that allows companies to book service far in advance.
DO NOT – choose anyone else than Aeroport Taxi for your airport limousine Toronto service. Our drivers are required to wear masks as tall time and follow strict protocols when it comes to cleaning and sanitizing all vehicles after a booking. With out long track record of putting customers first we’re the best option for travellers arriving in Toronto who want to travel in safe fashion.
DO – put a plan in place for future corporate travel needs that incorporates contingencies in the event of a pandemic or any other type of event that results in massive travel restrictions. Working out a corporate travel plan that includes regular airport limo service will ensure you’re ready should conflict arise.
DO NOT – rely on ride-share, discount unlicensed taxi or app-based services for your travel when arriving in Toronto. You should always rely on fully-regulated and well-established personal travel companies when in need of airport limo Toronto services.
Always Plan For The Safest Business Travel Option
Flying into Toronto during the pandemic has usually meant entering a high-risk area. By virtue of population density Toronto has always been flagged as a hot spot for COVID. Arranging ground transport for yourself or your employees may be necessary even during a pandemic, so take measures to ensure such travel is as safe as possible. Work with Aeroport Taxi and Limousine service to arrange pick-up and drop off, corporate car pooling options and VIP service for any business associates that may also be travelling. Stay safe by choosing the right company.